Tjo alla mina tusentals läsare. Efter 1 år är jag tillbaka igen, eller inte!hahaha:)
Detta är det första och det sista inlägget på länge, det lovar jag:)
Jag har varit i stan på äventyr Med felix, Julia, och Emelie:)Vi tittade film, jag tittade intensivt, medans dom andra skickade en jädrans massa sms, med roliga GUBBARxD
Vi gick sedan på en rundtur i tråkiga borås, det är bättre i sandhult:P:)
JAg önskar alla här gladpåsk, och midsommar även, för jag kommer inte vara här och blogga på LÄNGE!:):D
CYA DUDES/ MR. KärrstedT
Hello everyone. This is Kalle. This weekend I had LAN with friends. It was very fun and we played all night. I played with Anton, Henke and Thomas. We played WoW and Call of duty. I didnt sleep so much, but thats alright. Cya/Kalle
Hi everyone. Today it have been a regular day. Not so funny but not so bad either. Tomorrow its friday and thats good. To sleep long and don't have to go to school. And soon its spring. Thats very nice. To play fotball.
Hello my friends. I'm going to talk about Georgios. Hes a nice man and he make food very good. He uses spices and some fishes from west(shark, tuna). Thomas is a good friend of Georgios and Thomas eats his food.
That was about Georgios. Cya!
That was about Georgios. Cya!
Davis Cup
Hello all people. Soon it's Davis cup in Borås. Its a very big thing and famous players will arrive to Borås. Its Russia vs Sweden. I will be there and help Borås with the service. Im looking forward to it. its going to be fun.
Cya/ Kalle
Cya/ Kalle
Hello all people
Hello i just came home, I was practising tennis. Tennis is a very fun sport and good for the health. Well now im relaxing in front of my computer. I will also do my homeworks ofcourse, thats very important. Now I'll watch some tv or something. Cya all people who follows my blog...Kalle
Hello my friends. This blog is about Vol.3Gaming, my quickscope clan on PC. I like to play in that clan because there are good players in the clan. We got clips and information about the clan in our youtubesite. Check it
I have had winterbreak and it was very fun and relaxing. I just enjoyed my break and chilled home and with friends. I have had christmas and newyear. It was fun to have some christmas presents. I got clothes, money and some tennis equipment.
Now its back to school and back to the homeworks...But it's fun to meet friends again.
Cya sometimes/kalle
Now its back to school and back to the homeworks...But it's fun to meet friends again.
Cya sometimes/kalle
Hello my friends. Soon its christmas! Isn't that fun?To have some presents and eat the good food. In 2 days we have schoolbreak and that will be very nice. I will relax the hole break and be with friends and much more.
Monday morning
Todays monday and it's back to school after a great wekend. Soon we will have volleyball and that will be fun. On wednesday theres a school tournament and ofcourse my group will win. Volleyball is very fun, a great sport.
Hello all people. Todays saturday again and thats fun. Its good with weekend, to sleep more. Its pretty much snow now here and thats good. See you soon.
We had a school-break for 1 week and now it's back to school again.It's fun to meet friends again ofcourse, but i'm tired.Now i'm having computer-schience.Soon i will have P.E.
See you later!
See you later!
Today i have played tennis.It was very fun.I won my match against Mark.I won with 6-4 3-6 (10-6).It was very healthy to play and i felt good.After that i went home and ate and watched tv, Idol.
Now i shall go watch tv.
Now i shall go watch tv.
Yesterday the buss didnt arrived we went home to a friend and watched avatar.The film was great.And we got some cookies.It was a snowstorm outside so we didnt go out.In the traffic there were kaos.
Today i will be home and relaxing, watch tv probably.And eat some good food.Hopefully there will be some good movies to that i like.
Today i will be home and relaxing, watch tv probably.And eat some good food.Hopefully there will be some good movies to that i like.
Right now i am in school.The Open Office didnt work and thats sad.But then i can work on my blogg.And write som food dishes.This will be on swedish:
Saltad lutfisk med en touch av inlagd timjan med sill, toppad med svensk vitlök, med rostad timjan.
Thats all from me. See you later everybody if someone is following my blogg..
Today has been a good day.I have chilled all day.And thats relaxing.I have eaten candy because it's saturday.I have watched tv and relaxed at the computer.I'm gonna watch some tv tonight, see if theres a good movie.
God Evening
Me and Markus have cycled around sandhult and it was fun. I ate spagehetti earlier.And that was good to.Now i will be chilling and relaxing rest of the day.
Sandhult is a small village near Borås.Its fun to bee there.I have lived there all my life.The nature is nice.And we dont have alot of people but thats all right.